The Voice for Texas Architecture

AIA National Strategic Councilor – Texas Society of Architects


The AIA Strategic Council
The Strategic Council (Council) was first formed in 2015, following members’ overwhelming approval of the historic change to AIA’s governing structure in 2014. The Council advances the profession by informing the Board of Directors and other AIA bodies of important professional issues and opportunities. It is charged with surveying the profession to identify opportunities and threats, and engaging in strategic planning to inform AIA’s goals, objectives, and strategies. The Council is an outward-focused, forward-thinking, and member-centric group. Its members include representatives from each state, AIA international component(s), an AIAS and an AIA national associate representative, and a representative from the Council of Architectural Component Executives (CACE).  In addition, the Council may also choose to elect at-large representatives who bring different perspectives and areas of expertise.

Role of the Strategic Council
Much of the Council’s work throughout the year is forward thinking: searching for new ideas and solutions to challenges facing the profession with an element of futurist thinking. Collaborations and work groups seek to produce visionary thought and ideation, deliberation, prototyping of ideas, and consensus building. The Council develops ideas to inform future needs or opportunities for the profession and presents those ideas to the AIA Board for consideration. The Council focuses on long-term goals and outcomes as opposed to administrative or programmatic goals except in rare instances of profession-wide or societal changes urgently impacting the architectural profession and or health, safety, and welfare.

Responsibilities at the National Level

Responsibilities at the State Level


Although years or membership or previous leadership experience within the AIA at the local, state or national level are not prerequisites, a history of volunteering within AIA is important.
Councilors are expected to:


Strategic Councilor Funding

Most travel expenses are reimbursed for all required travel at both the State and National levels. If you have any specific questions regarding reimbursement, please reach out to 

Funding provided by AIA National:
AIA National provides travel, accommodations, and reimbursement of meals through a per diem for AIA Grassroots, Annual Conference on Architecture,  Knowledge Leadership Academy, and Governance Week.

Funding provided by Texas Society of Architects:
AIA Strategic Councilors will each receive reimbursement to attend TxA Board meetings (3) and the Annual Leadership Retreat. Reimbursement not to exceed $1800 per person per year.

Selection Process

TxA’s Nominating Committee, together with our current Strategic Councilors will evaluate the candidates and identify the preferred representative for the Strategic Council seat. Once selected, the candidate will be presented along with the full 2023 slate to the Board of Directors of the Texas Society of Architects in July 2022. Once approved by the TxA Board, the slate is presented to the full Texas membership at the Annual Business Meeting.