Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership in the Texas Society of Architects is one of the highest honors the Society can bestow upon a person outside the profession of architecture. It is awarded to individuals for their long-term association with architects, architecture, or allied professions in providing a better quality of life in Texas. Honorary Membership is awarded for the nominee’s accomplishments, which are truly outstanding and deserving of statewide recognition.
2024 Recipients:
Katie O’Brien
Maggie Parker

Katie O’Brien
The founder of Trinity Public Affairs, Katie O’Brien has provided public policy and community relations consulting in the Dallas area since 2016. With a background as a senior policy analyst in the Texas Senate, O’Brien has become a trusted advisor and advocate for public green spaces in the region, including the Circuit Trail and Southern Gateway Park. A long-time consultant to AIA Dallas, O’Brien has helped the chapter craft a more engaged and effective advocacy program and has developed multiple initiatives to better inform members on critical issues while building relationships with key decision-makers.

Maggie Parker
Maggie Parker is managing partner and founder of Innovan Neighborhoods, a people-centered development and consulting firm with a mission to advance community-anchored real estate development. Innovan partners with local organizations to support catalyst projects in DFW—from joint ventures for affordable single-family homes to phased, master-planning development efforts in transitioning neighborhoods. Prior to forming Innovan, Parker was director of the Real Estate Council Community Fund, which provides access to capital and technical assistance for real estate projects serving low-to-moderate income neighborhoods.
Past Recipients
Sally Still Abbe, Lubbock (1997)
Josephine Abercrombie, Houston (1995)
Suzie Adams, Fort Worth (1992)
William R. Allensworth, Esq., Austin (2014)
Gaylord Armstrong, Austin (1981)
Henry Atkinson, Northeast Texas (1991)
Lauren Y. Austin, Austin (2002)
Joel W. Barna, Austin (1998)
John and Jane Barnhill Jr., Brenham (2010)
Paul Barwick, Boerne, ASLA (2009)
Edward P. Bass, Fort Worth (1991)
Robert M. Bass, Fort Worth (1991)
Sid R. Bass, Fort Worth (1982)
Audray Bateman, Austin (1986)
Marc Blackson, Dallas (2022)
Giorgio Borlenghi, Houston (1985)
Lillian M. Bradshaw, Dallas (1982)
Richard Brettell, Dallas (2003)
Senator Kenneth ‘Kim’ Brimer, Fort Worth (2007)
Mary Brinegar, Dallas (2019)
Isaac S. Brochstein, Houston (1988)
Sally Buchanan, San Antonio (1999)
Lt. Governor Bob Bullock, Austin (1994)
Mrs. Charles Bybee, Houston (1981)
Robert Cadwallader, San Antonio (2001)
D. K. “Lottie” Caldwell, Northeast Texas (1983)
Torrey Stanley Carleton, San Antonio (2002)
David Carter, San Antonio (2005)
Rosemary Castillo, El Paso (2011)
Paula D. Clements, Dallas (2007)
Lila Cockrell, San Antonio (2010)
Dr. Peggy C. Coghlan, Northeast Texas (1990)
Judith Singer Cohen, Fort Worth (1990)
Bonnie Conner, San Antonio (2008)
Fernando Costa, Fort Worth (2004)
Marty Craddock, Fort Worth (1997)
Amber Cree, Abilene (1988)
John F. Crawford, Dallas (2013)
David Crossley, Houston (2002)
Nina Cullinan, Houston (1978)
Wendy R. Davis, Fort Worth (2010)
Dominique de Menil, Houston (1987)
Ernest Deal, Austin (1992)
Robert W. Decherd, Dallas (1988)
Peter DeLisle, Dallas (2017)
Gilbert M. Denman, Jr., San Antonio (1988)
Roberta P. Dickson, Austin (1972)
David Dillon, Dallas (1983)
Dorthy Doss, Fort Worth (2006)
Lyn Dunsavage, Dallas (1982)
Jerry K. Estes, Wichita Falls (1985)
Nate Eudaly, Dallas (2023)
Mary Margaret Farabee, Austin (1996)
Aaron J. Farfel, Houston (1977)
Sally Fly, Austin (1998)
Wanda Graham Ford, San Antonio (1983)
Larry Paul Fuller, Austin (1982)
Carmen Perez Garcia, Lower Rio Grande Valley (2001)
Kourtny S. Garrett, Dallas (2020)
Pitser Garrison, Lufkin (1995)
Hon. Charlie Geren, Fort Worth (2004)
Pete Geren, Fort Worth (1996)
Dr. Bryghte Godbold, Dallas (1984)
J.D. Granger, Fort Worth (2008)
Hon. Kay Granger, Fort Worth (2003)
Patsy Lacy Griffith, Northeast Texas (2002)
David J. Haemisegger, Dallas (2016)
John P. Hansen, Houston (1987)
Sybil Harrington, Amarillo (1983)
Adlene Harrison, Dallas (1976)
Lucille Hendricks, Lower Rio Grande Valley (1986)
David Henington, Houston (1984)
Don Henley, Gilmer (1996)
Terry Hershey, Houston (1973)
B. F. Hicks, Mount Vernon (1994)
Gerald D. Hines, Houston (1973)
Lt. Gov. William P. Hobby, Houston (1976)
Marguerite S. and Robert K. Hoffman, Dallas (2006)
Dr. and Mrs. William Curry Holden, Lubbock (1977)
L. B. Houston, Dallas (1975)
Tom Bass Houston, Houston (1984)
Carolyn Howard, Beaumont (2004)
Richard Huffman, Austin (2000)
Walter J. Humann, Dallas (1988, 2000)
Richard Hyslin, Lower Rio Grande Valley (2001)
No Current Recipients
Lady Bird Johnson, Austin (1974)
Marguerite Johnston, Houston (1981)
John T. Jones, Houston (1971)
Walter T. Jones, El Paso (1982)
Suzy Juncker, Southeast Texas (1988)
John S. Justin, Jr., Fort Worth (1982)
Audrey Kariel, Marshall (1995)
Alfred A. King, Austin (1997)
Richard Knight, Houston (1992)
Tom Lea, El Paso (1972)
Adelaide B. Leavens, Fort Worth (2012)
Amy Freeman Lee, Ph.D., San Antonio (1980)
Martha ‘Marty’ Leonard, Fort Worth (2008)
Veletta Forsythe Lill, Dallas (2006)
Bill Lively, Dallas (2009)
Juan Lopez, Edinburg (2009)
Patricia Cummings Loud, Fort Worth (1995)
Rick Lowe, Houston (2000)
Weiming Lu, Dallas (1977)
Stephen H. Lucy, PE, Dallas (2008)
Scott Lyford, Esq., Galveston (2015)
Jill Magnuson, Dallas (2021)
Stanley Marcus, Hon. FAIA, Dallas (1998)
Don Martell, Brazos (1984)
Orabel “Pinkie” Martin, San Antonio (1979)
Gilbert Mathews, San Antonio (2010)
Walter Nold Mathis, San Antonio (1975)
James R. Matz, Harlingen (1993)
Virginia Savage McAlester, Dallas (1987)
Susan McAshan, Houston (1976)
Kenneth McCalla, Austin (1973)
Trey McCampbell, Corpus Christi (2006)
Margaret McDermott, Dallas (2005)
Marian McKeever Millican, Fort Worth (2003)
Harrold Melton, Fort Worth (2003)
Mitchell Milby, Dallas (2021)
Laura Miller, Dallas (2007)
Lauraine Miller, Corpus Christi (2006)
Senator John T. Montford, Lubbock (1990)
Philip O’B. Montgomery, Jr., Dallas (1985)
Walter P. Moore, Sr., Houston (1979)
H. V. Moss, Austin (1971)
Martha Murphree, Houston (1990)
G. Charles Naeve, Austin (2001)
Nancy A. Nasher, Dallas (2016)
Raymond Nasher, Dallas (1997
Evelyn Niblo, Abilene (1984)
Admiral H. R. Nieman, Jr., Austin (1975)
Krista Nightengale, Dallas (2022)
Mary Moody Northern, Houston (1977)
No Current Recipients
Linda Pace, San Antonio (2006)
Reynell Parkins, Austin (1971)
Howard W. Peak IV, San Antonio (1996)
Elaine J. Petrus, Fort Worth (2000)
No Current Recipients
Howard Rachofsky, Dallas (2005)
Senator Bill Ratliff, Northeast Texas (1992)
Martin A. Reiner, Houston (1993)
Deedie Rose, Dallas (2001)
Buck Schiwetz, Hunt (1972)
Kenneth Schnitzer, Houston (1981)
Donald W. Scott, Fort Worth (2005)
Katherine D. Seale, Dallas (2020)
Kevin Shanley, Houston (2005)
Stephen Sharpe, Austin (2009)
Frank Sherwood, Fort Worth (2015)
Bob R. Simpson, Fort Worth (2014)
Bill Sinkin, San Antonio (2005)
Frank C. Smith, Jr., Houston (1980)
Jill Harrison Souter, San Antonio (2002)
Ruth Carter Stevenson, Fort Worth (1991)
Patsy Galt Steves, San Antonio (2006)
Clayton T. Stone, Houston (1986)
David J. Straus, San Antonio (2006)
Jocelyn Levi Straus, San Antonio (2000)
Thomas M. Sullivan, Dallas (1973)
Patsy Swank, Dallas (1979)
Lewis T. Tarver Jr, San Antonio (2000)
Des Taylor, Austin (1977)
Thomas Taylor, Dallas (1997)
Arleigh B. Templeton, El Paso (1980)
Gail Griffin Thomas, Dallas (1990)
Jerry Thomas, Fort Worth (2002)
Terri Thornton, Fort Worth (2012)
Eleanor Tinsley, Houston (1983)
Lisa Tipps, Austin (2004)
Elo Urbanovsky, Lubbock (1976)
Mayor Tom J. Vandergriff, Fort Worth (1971)
Jim Walker, Austin (2011)
Sally Walsh, Houston (1981)
Karen Walz, Dallas (2003)
Mayor Kirk Watson, Austin (1999)
Melba Whatley, Austin (2013)
Judson F. Williams, El Paso (1986)
Gloria Wise, Dallas (1994)
William Wright, Abilene (1997)
Ed Wulfe, Houston (2001)
No Current Recipients
Kay Yeager, Wichita Falls (1994)
Canan Yetmen, Austin (2018)
H. C. Zachry, Abilene (1993)