The Voice for Texas Architecture

Become a Member

Join a vibrant community of architects and allied industry professionals engaged in creating safe, beautiful, sustainable environments.

Become a Member

Join a vibrant community of architects and allied industry professionals engaged in creating safe, beautiful, sustainable environments.

AIA Membership

Members of the Texas Society of Architects play a vital role in maintaining and supporting Texas architecture. Becoming a TxA member requires joining the American Institute of Architects (AIA). AIA is a three-tiered organization supporting the architectural profession with national, state, and local leadership. At the national level, AIA represents 94,000 professionals. At the state level, TxA represents more than 7,200. TxA and our 18 local components across the state are deeply involved with the engagement and support of our members and their communities. Becoming an active member of AIA can be a truly meaningful part of your professional practice.

TxA Membership offers numerous benefits to architects at any stage of their career, including first and foremost a community of colleagues across the state holding similar values and working towards common goals. Additional benefits include:

State-Level Advocacy
TxA maintains an active government relations program, including a member committee and an active lobby team, to craft and respond to legislation impacting the profession. Members are encouraged to take part in this effort by educating their legislators on issues impacting the profession and participating through TxA’s political action committee, the Texas Architects Committee (TAC).

Texas Architect Magazine Subscription
Published bi-monthly, Texas Architect is one of the most respected regional architectural periodicals in the nation, covering recently completed projects and critical issues facing the built environment and the architecture profession in Texas and beyond. The magazine is published bi-monthly, six times a year.

Please note: Emeritus membership does not include a magazine. Emeritus members can subscribe for $30 by contacting AIA National.

Magazine Gift Subscription
In addition to their own subscription to Texas Architect, TxA Architect and Associate members receive a second Texas Architect subscription to be sent as a gift to whomever they choose.

Members can designate a recipient for their gift subscription using our Member Gift Subscription Form.

TxA members receive the Society’s weekly email newsletter, CheckSet, which covers architecture news, Society events, and ways to get involved with the organization.

Discounted Registration to TxA’s Annual Conference & Design Expo
The TxA’s Annual Conference & Design Expo draws more than 3,000 industry professionals for an intensive three-day program featuring renowned keynoters, CE sessions, tours, events, and the largest industry trade show in the Southwest. TxA members receive discounted registration — up to 50% lower than the non-member rate.

Discounted Entry Fees for Design and Studio Awards
TxA members receive an almost 50% savings on entry fees for our Design and Studio Award competitions. Winning projects are published in Texas Architect and recognized at our Annual Conference.

Professional Development
TxA membership offers numerous opportunities for networking and professional development. Members can lend their talents and make a difference by joining one of more than 20 TxA committees and task forces focused on areas like community design, school safety, and government affairs. They can also take part in events that bring together individuals from across the state for fellowship, education, and exploration of design.

To join AIA, membership is required at the national, state, and local levels. Each level sets its own dues amount. TxA’s state-level dues are listed in the membership descriptions below. To determine your full annual dues, contact the AIA national office (800 242 3837) or your local component, or begin the online application process. Your local component affiliation is assigned by zip code based on your business or home address.

Membership dues are calculated on a calendar year, January through December.

New member dues are prorated quarterly.


Member Types

Learn about the various professional membership types offered by the Texas Society of Architects. We also offer Student Membership for students enrolled at Texas schools of architecture.

Individuals with an architectural license from the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners are eligible for Architect membership. Currently, TxA has over 4,000 Architect Members throughout our 18 local components. It’s one of our strongest groups, and a huge contributor to our efforts to maintain and encourage the practice of architecture.

To determine your full annual dues, contact the AIA national office (800 242 3837) or your local component, or begin the online membership application process.

Our Associates are one of the fastest growing groups at the Texas Society of Architects. Joining as an Associate Member will grant you access to ARE study groups, emerging professional events, and other avenues of experience that can help you prepare for licensure or learn more about our evolving industry.

Associate membership is open to individuals who meet one of the following criteria:

  • Possess a professional degree in architecture. (Learn about a special offer for new graduates).
  • Currently work under the supervision of an architect.
  • Are currently enrolled in the Architectural Experience Program (AXP) and working toward licensure.
  • Are a faculty member in a university program in architecture.

To determine your full annual dues, contact the AIA national office (800 242 3837) or your local component, or begin the online membership application process.

Our Emeritus Members are our most revered membership group. Architect Members or Associate Members may apply for Emeritus status if they have been in good standing in the Institute for 15 successive years immediately prior to their application, and

  • have either attained the age of 70, or
  • are so incapacitated as to be unable to work in the profession.

There are no local, state, or national dues for Emeritus members. To apply for Emeritus membership, get in touch with the Membership Contact for your local AIA component.

Texas Architect Magazine Subscription

If you wish to continue receiving Texas Architect magazine as an Emeritus Member, the cost is $30 per year (six issues). You can sign up for a subscription when first applying for Emeritus status. Or, you can subscribe later by contacting AIA Member Services (800 242 3837, option 2) between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. CST Monday through Friday.

The Texas Society of Architects is always eager to support students of accredited schools of architecture. One way we do this is through our Student Member option. This membership is available at the state level only; it is not an official AIA membership type. This student membership is also distinct from AIAS membership. Local AIA chapters may also offer their own student membership. Joining TxA as a Student Member is completely free and comes with numerous benefits.

Student Member Benefits

  • A subscription to Texas Architect, our award-winning bimonthly magazine exploring the latest issues facing the built environment and the architectural profession.
  • A subscription to CheckSet, TxA’s weekly email newsletter featuring architectural news and updates on Society events and initiatives.
  • Free early registration to TxA’s Annual Conference and Design Expo, an exciting event bringing together architectural professionals from across the region for three days of education, events, and networking.
  • The opportunity to serve on TxA committees focused on topics like community design, government affairs, and equity, diversity, and inclusion.

To apply for membership, please complete a Student Membership Application and return it to the contact provided.