The Voice for Texas Architecture

Honor Awards

The Texas Society of Architects conducts an annual Honor Awards program recognizing exceptional members, firms, individuals, and organizations for their outstanding achievements in support of the profession of architecture, the built environment, and quality of life in Texas.

Download the latest list to view all past Honor Award recipients.

Download the nomination packet to view the criteria for each award.

Medal for Lifetime Achievement

in Honor of Llewellyn W. Pitts, FAIA

Architecture Firm Award

Cornerstone Award

O’Neil Ford Medal for Design Achievement

Award for Community Service

in Honor of James D. Pfluger, FAIA

Award for Equitable Practice

in Architecture in Honor of John S. Chase, Jr., FAIA

Award for Outstanding Educational Contributions

in Honor of Edward J. Romieniec, FAIA

Award for Early Career Professional Achievement

in Honor of William W. Caudill, FAIA

Associate Member of the Year

Mentorship Award

Award for Excellence in the Promotion of Architecture through the Media

in Honor of John G. Flowers, Hon. AIA

Artisan Award

Citation of Honor

Honorary Membership

25-Year Award

Architectural Landmark Award